Part 1: Exploring Crime and Justice

Note: These recommended Web sites have been checked for availability and for advertising and other inappropriate content. Because Web sites' policies and content change frequently, however, we suggest that you preview the sites shortly before using them.

Activity 1A: Perceptions of Crime and Justice 

Sample Arts Projects 

  • “Criminal Justice System Explored Through Art Project.” ASU News. Arizona State University. February 17, 2011. This article describes a three-month long project undertaken as part of the ASU Art Museum’s Social Studies approach to artistic expression.
  • “State of Incarceration.” Los Angeles Poverty Department Newsletter. 2010. This article describes an ongoing project combining theater, installation, music, and public education. Presented by an advocacy organization comprised of members of the homeless population, this performance includes activities such as having audience members read one page of a landmark prison overcrowding court decision aloud. 
  • “Time to Go: A Collection of Nancy B. Jefferson Alternative School Student Art and Creative Writing.” This anthology is posted on the Free Write Jail Arts and Literacy Program site and represents artwork and creative writing by youth in the Cook County Juvenile Detention Center in Illinois. 

Note: An extensive list of vocabulary words is available here. 

Activity 1D: Working on a Legal Team

  • Handout 9 is available here as a student packet. 

Activity 1E: The Facts of the Case 

Timeline Templates 

Excel Timeline Templates