Part 2: Preparing a Plea

Note: These recommended Web sites have been checked for availability and for advertising and other inappropriate content. Because Web sites' policies and content change frequently, however, we suggest that you preview the sites shortly before using them.

Activity 2C: Punishment and Sentencing 

Changing Images of Criminal Punishment (slideshow) 

  • The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Web site contains slideshows and images of punishments administered in colonial times, which may be used to prompt students’ thinking about how goals and methods for punishment may vary.  

Activity 2D: Capital Punishment and Justice 

Anti-Death Penalty Resources 

Pro-Death Penalty Resources 

  • is a resource for pro-death penalty information and resources. Includes case information on upcoming executions, a collection of death penalty links, and current news stories. 
  • Arguments for the Death Penalty is a video interview with Mike Bradbury, Former Ventura County DA. 

Death Penalty Data 

Interactive Map with Capital Punishment Data 

Other Death Penalty Resources 

  • “The Death Penalty on Trial.” (29 minutes) Amicus. Guardian News and Media Limited. 2010. Two barristers from the United Kingdom put the American death penalty on trial in a mock trial hosted by a legal charity. A good outline of the arguments for and against capital punishment. 
  • The Juvenile Death Penalty, by Michelle Parrini, is a Is a two-day unit on the juvenile death penalty with a focus on the Simmons v. Roper case. 

Extension: What Is Cruel and Unusual Punishment? 

  • Death Penalty Curricula for High School. Michigan State University Comm Tech Lab and Death Penalty Information Center. Two 10-day units on the death penalty for high school students using resources on an interactive website. The site includes interactive maps with state and international data, discussion questions, and activities designed for high school students, including a juror questionnaire. 

Activity 2E: Finalizing the Theory of the Case 

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